Tracking Numbers required for "Non-Aussies" to earn ASCA Titles.


Beginning 1/1/2003 for non-ASCA registered dogs - In order to have ASCA qualifying legs tracked and to receive ASCA titling certificates, each non-ASCA registered dog will be required to have an ASCA Tracking Number.  This is a one-time fee of $10/dog.  At the time of applying for the tracking number, the individual owner must also be an ASCA member (minimum membership type of Service is required). ASCA membership does not need to be maintained in subsequent years.  It will be the responsibility of the owner to identify to ASCA the shows and legs earned when applying for a Tracking Number for those ASCA qualifying legs earned from 1/1/2003 until submission of application.


In April 2002 the ASCA Board of Directors implemented a new policy whereby non-ASCA registered dogs participating in any ASCA performance event will be required to have an ASCA Tracking Number.  This Tracking Number is required only if the competitor wishes to have ASCA qualifying legs tracked and to then receive ASCA titling certificates.  This is being done to facilitate tracking one dog’s results across the different venues, to help defray the costs of processing the results and titles, and to reduce the time our staff spends processing results for competitors who are not interested in receiving ASCA titles.


1-     How do I get my dog a Tracking number? Answer: By filling out any ASCA entry blank for each dog or the new ASCA Tracking form and sending in a one-time fee of $10 per dog. In the space for registration number use whatever number your dog is identified with in another registry or the number you are already being tracked with by ASCA.  If your dog is unregistered put N/A and ASCA will assign you a number. 

2-     Do I have to be an ASCA member? Answer: Yes, just long enough to get your dog into the registry. If you are not an ASCA member you must become at least a $5 service member to use ASCA’s registry. If you are not an ASCA member also fill out a membership application and send it along with the entry blank to the ASCA Business Office at PO Box 3790 Bryan, TX 77805-3790. Forms can be downloaded from the ASCA web site,

3-     Is this something that needs to be done every year? Answer: No, this is a one-time fee to track any non-ASCA registered dog. 

4-     Do I have to be a member of ASCA to compete in the performance programs? Answer: No, you only need to become a member to use the registry. Once your dog is registered with ASCA you no longer need to be a member to compete in ASCA performance events.

5-     What if my dog has already been tracked by ASCA? Answer: You still have to get a tracking number for the dog.  All previous scores will count but for ASCA to continue to track the dog and issue a certificate a tracking fee must be paid.

6-     Will all scores earned after January 1 2003 be eligible even if the tracking number wasn’t received until after the dog has been in competition?  Answer: As long as an application for a tracking number is eventually sent to the Business Office all past qualifying score will count as long as the owner of the dog can identify where the QS were earned. 

7-     Do the Affiliate Clubs need to collect the tracking fee? Answer: No, we are urging our Affiliate clubs to help in the educational process by having entry forms and membership applications or Tracking forms available but we do not expect them to do the paper work for the individual.

8-     Why use an entry blank rather than a special form? Answer: Because that is what we have been using to get these dogs into the computer all along. The competitors know how to fill them out and should be using the same name and number they have used in the past. Entry forms should be readily available at all shows and trials.

9-     How will the Business Office track these dogs? Answer: All dogs already being tracked will have the letter T attached to their existing number to indicate a tracking fee was paid. All new dogs added would also have the letter T added to whatever registration number used on the entry blank. All dogs with no numbers will be assigned a number, which will include the letter T. 

10- Can a dog that does not have an ASCA tracking number still compete in ASCA performance events? Answer: Yes, but the qualifying score earned will not be tracked and the titling certificates will not be automatically mailed.

11- Can a dog that is not registered with ASCA stay and/or start in any class? Answer: No, not in the programs where the dogs are required by the rules to move up after so many qualifying scores or days. Non-ASCA registered dogs must also start in whatever class/division the rules require.

How will I find out what our ASCA number is? Answer: A post card will be sent with your ASCA Tracking number.

A separate "Tracking Number and Service Membership" form has been developed and is available from the ASCA Forms page..